Wednesday, July 22, 2015

To Overcome and Become

Jesus told the woman caught in adultery, “Thy sins are forgiven thee,” but he didn’t just leave it at that. He added the command, “Go and sin no more.” There is a common misbelief that because God loves everyone that he doesn’t require us to change. God does love and accept everyone, no matter their progress and position. He also asks us to change and follow His commandments. He asks us to overcome the natural man and become as He is. He wants for us to achieve our highest and greatest potential. We cannot do that by remaining as we are. We can only do that by overcoming our weaknesses, learning from our mistakes, and drawing upon the power of the atonement to change the nature of who we are.

Throughout my life I have sought for healing from many different things. I have suffered from physical pain and ailments, mental and emotional anguish, sin, loneliness, depression, anger, and many other afflictions that come from living in this fallen world. The more I have sought for healing, the more I have come to understand that true healing can only come from one source, from Jesus Christ. The miracle of the atonement is that it changes us. The miracle of Christ is that he can take a person as imperfect as I am and change me so that I can one day become my highest and greatest potential.

I believe that all the experiences we have in life give us the opportunity to look at ourselves and evaluate where we are in our progression. They allow us to overcome and become. It is so easy to get caught up in the events of daily life and forget about our eternal progression instead of finding lessons and growth. It seems to be a regular battle for me.

I am so grateful for a loving God who accepts me for who I am and loves me unconditionally. I am also grateful that He desires for me to grow and achieve my greatest potential and does everything in His power to assist me on this journey. I do not want to be the same tomorrow as I am today. I want to change and grow until I am perfected.

What lessons are you learning today about yourself?

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