Friday, July 31, 2015

Completion of July Goal

Today is the end of the month which means I have reached the end of my July daily postings of my opinions and self-discoveries. When I first decided last year to do a month of self-discoveries I had no idea how much it would change me and how I look at life. This year has been much more challenging to complete. I can see a lot of growth in myself and can honestly say that I am not the same person I was a month ago. I desire to continue to learn and grow each day, even if I don't post about it everyday.

The trick to self-discovery isn’t to go out and read a lot of books or take a lot of classes, although those things can be good tools. The trick is to go about each day with the thought in mind, “What can I learn about myself today? What can I learn about myself in this situation?” Just a simple, conscious mindset can change the way you look at life and what you get out of each day.

I am grateful for the support I have received from so many people as I have gone through the last few years. Life can be so confusing and difficult, at times seemingly unbearable, but with love and support from the right people it is possible to get through anything. I am grateful today for my God who has never left me alone. I can look back and see His hand throughout every step of my life. I know that life’s challenges will never go away. I also know that no matter what happens, I have the freedom to choose how I will respond. I also know that I have support and help available at any moment.

What are you learning about yourself today?

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