Monday, July 27, 2015

Out With the Old, In With the New

Tonight I was using visualization to help identify and release things in my body, mind, and spirit that are keeping me from reaching my highest potential. After doing some deep breathing and allowing myself to get in a relaxed state, I picked different things I wanted to release. I looked for anger, stubbornness, pride, bitterness, and any other things that popped into my head. I tried to imagine any place in my body that I might be hiding those things then I imagined pulling it completely out of my body and sending it to God’s light to be cleansed, purified, and recycled. I then imagined the pure light of Christ filling in all the spaces left behind in my being.

It was amazing how with each thing I released, I became lighter and it became easier to breath. I learned a lot about myself and where I store negative emotions. I learned that I have a lot of things to work on in myself. I also learned that I have a lot of control over my own growth and healing. When I remove the things holding me back and replace them with the light of Christ, I feel more capable and feel closer to God. It was a great experience!

It is so easy to go through each day thinking about all that needs to get done and forget to take time to improve myself. When I let too much time pass without self evaluation and processing emotions I get bogged down and begin to get depressed. I am grateful today that I had a little bit of time to do this exercise. I feel relaxed and renewed.

What emotions are holding you back from progressing?

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