Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Creating My Day

This morning, after a very interrupted night’s sleep, I woke up with a very different question running through my mind. I thought, “What am I going to create today?” Usually when I wake up my thoughts center around what I need to do to get everyone out the door on time, what my schedule is, where each child needs to go, and many other things related to my day so this question took me by surprise. So much so that I had to contemplate for a bit before getting out of bed what this might mean.

For a long time I have been consciously working on choosing how I act rather than reacting. This has been a very challenging goal that I have a lot of work to do before I feel that I will be good at it. I think that the thought this morning goes right in line with this concept. Instead of letting life happen and reacting to it, I can choose what I want to create.

Today I wanted to create some order in the chaos of my home. Instead of just wishing things were organized or that my children would pick up things, I told my son we were going to work on cleaning and organizing his room. I went in and started moving things around. He became excited about getting things organized and got really involved in what I was doing. Instead of waiting for things to happen I created what I wanted.

I know that I will not always be capable of creating exactly what I want, but the more I am consciously creating my life, the more likely life will look the way I want it to. I feel that the greatest challenge is finding a way to align myself with God’s will so that I am creating my life the way God desires me to. The more I align myself to God, the happier I will be and the more peace I will be able to find each day.

What are you creating in your life?

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