Wednesday, July 1, 2015


In 2014 I decided that for the month of July, the month to celebrate the freedom of our country, I would celebrate my personal freedom and express an opinion or discover something about myself every day because there was no one in my life that was controlling me anymore. I use to fear every moment how my opinions and actions would be reacted to, put down, or destroyed. July of 2014 was a turning point for me. I learned so much about who I am and felt so much love and support from all my friends who read my thoughts.

Life is full of ebbs and flows and I have found myself in a slow point in life, struggling to find purpose each day. I appreciate the cycles that life goes through and find that every stage fulfills me in a different way. In an effort to move forward once again, I feel that it is important for me to have another month of self discovery. It is difficult for me to commit to thirty-one days of posting thoughts, but feel that pushing myself forward is like paddling out to a wave on a surfboard. It takes effort to find a wave and get moving with it, but once you successfully ride it, the momentum takes you and it is no longer an effort.

This month I will post something every day. It may be a simple opinion about something that happened that day, a new food I discovered, or a complex thought inspired by the world around me. Whatever it is, it will be mine.  Discovery is always just a moment away!

What opinion have you formed today?