Saturday, October 1, 2016

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

The life I had dreamed of was suddenly in view
A husband, a house, children in the future
I changed my life, I changed my name
I chose to step into a new world with him
But something wasn’t quite right
It started with little things
Comparing me to his mother and to woman in the media
I couldn’t do anything right
“Why aren’t you like other women?’ I was asked repeatedly
Embarrassed, I began to withdraw
I withdrew from my friends, my family, my self
I didn’t want anyone to know I was a failure as a wife
The world saw my happy face while inside I was crying
His anger got worse all the time
Always angry, always volatile, always someone else’s fault
Living in fear, trying to keep the children from setting him off
Whatever it takes to keep him from getting angry
Hiding the children from the public eye while bruises healed
Trying to be whatever he wants in order to protect myself
Slowly, the woman I once was died more and more each day
Depression, regret, pain, grief, sadness
All a part of daily life
But still putting on a happy face to the world
No one can know
But people do know
Some people recognize the signs and try to reach out
I defend him, justify his behavior, attempt to squash the idea that my marriage isn’t ideal
While inside I’m screaming for help, wishing someone would rescue me
Praying for death but afraid of leaving the children with him
Wanting to leave but feeling that it would be impossible
How could I possibly take care of my family on my own?
What would my church think of me if I left?
My children needed their father, needed a two parent home
I couldn’t break the covenant of marriage
It wasn’t really that bad
But it was
I was living in a nightmare and felt there was no way to wake up
Maybe if I prayed harder, maybe I just needed more faith
If I just read my scriptures more and prayed more than things would change
But they didn’t
I got in trouble for how much time I spent on those things
Everything I did and tried was turned against me
I searched and searched for a reason to stay until that day finally came
The day when the fear and pain of staying finally became worse than the fear and pain of leaving
I literally thought that I would die if I left
But I was already dying while staying
I couldn’t do it for even one more day
I couldn’t witness my children’s abuse for another moment
So we left
I didn’t want to make him angry
I didn’t want to hurt his chances to change and have a future
Mostly I feared making him angry
So I only told people who had to know what was going on
I kept quiet as much as possible about the why’s of leaving
Many people judged me
I lost many friends
My circle of support was extremely small
But it was enough
The hardest thing I ever did was leave my marriage
I thought I left because I was weak
I was so embarrassed
But I soon came to know that I left because I was strong
I chose to protect my family
I chose to stand up for myself
With very little support I was able to walk away from abuse and choose a new life
And it didn’t take long to find a new support system that was stronger than I had had before
Nothing in this situation is easy
Nothing is ideal
Every single day is a challenge
But it is so much better than the life of abuse we use to live each day
Now my children and I can become who we want to become
Now we can live without the fear

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month
One in four women experience domestic violence in their life
They don’t choose domestic violence
They don’t choose abuse
And most don’t know how to get out

If you or someone you know is caught in the vicious cycle of abuse, please get help is an excellence resource to turn to
Their 24/7 hotline is 1-800-799-7233

There is life after domestic violence

Life can become worth living once again

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